Friday, January 14, 2005

Warning Labels

So did you look at all the labels? I find it very interesting that the ingredients all have names none of us could pronounce much less know what they do!! Even if the harsh and dangerous active ingredients are listed on a package, a lot of the time the rest of the ingredients are lumped into a category known as "inert" (not active) ingredients. This term may lead you to believe that these chemicals are not toxic or hazardous. Many of the 1,000 different chemicals used as INERT ingredients are more harmful than the active ingredients. The EPA does not require manufacturers to identify most inert chemicals or disclose their potential harmful effects. Even suspected carcinogens (cancer-causing agents) are used as inert ingredients in household products. These facts are written in detail in John Hartes' "Toxins, A to Z articles.
So on with this ---harmful chemicals that can cause death, cancer, central nervous systems disorders, learning disorders, birth defects, respiratory illness and many other health problems appear in most of the cleaning and personal care products in your home. Reading the labels will probally just confuse you, so I have just made a list of general products and their effects:
Air freshener-toxic; may cause cancer; irritates nose, throat and lungs.
Disinfectant- very toxic; causes skin, throat and lung burns; causes coma.
Drain cleaner-toxic; causes skin burns; causes liver and kidney damage.
Oven cleaner-toxic; causes skin, throat and lung burns.
Window cleaner-toxic; causes central nervous (CNS) system disorders, causes liver and kidney disorders.
Floor/Furniture Polish-toxic; causes CCN disorders; may cause lung cancer.
Spot remover-toxic;may cause cancer, causes liver damage.
All-purpose cleaner- causes eye damage;irritates nose,throat and lungs.
Chlorinated scouring powder-toxic;highly irritating to nose, throat and lungs.
Dishwasher detergent-toxic, causes eye injuries, damage to mucous membranes and throat.
Dishwashing liquid-harmful is swallowed, irritates the skin.
Carpet shampoo-toxic, may cause cancer, causes CNS and liver damage.
Laundry detergent-toxic; irritates the skin and lungs.
Bleach-toxic by swallowing; vapors are harmful;causes CNS disorders.
Stain remover-toxic; may cause cancer;vapors can be fatal.
Fabric softener-toxic; may cause cancer, causes CNS disorders; causes liver damage.
Of course this only happens if you breath, drink, spill or use these products!!!! We will all need a little help finding safe products and that is another story!!!!
These facts are provided by Dadds' Home Safe Home;Hartes' Toxins A to Z and Winters' A Consumer's Dirtionary of Household, Yard and Office Chemicals
Thanks for visitings and I will be back on Monday!!! Have a great weekend!!! Don't Clean!!!!ha

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