Saturday, March 22, 2008


Amalaki is also called Amla, Indian Gooseberry and Emblic
Biological Name: Emblica officinalis
Euphorbiaceae family

Amalaki or Dhatri, the nurse, as it is like a nurse
or mother in its healing properties
AMALAKI is one of the strongest rejuvenatives
in Ayurvedic medicine. It is particularly effective
as a rasayana for Pitta; for the blood, bones,
the liver and the heart. It rebuilds and maintains
new tissues and increases red blood cell count.
Amalaki cleanses the mouth, strengthens the teeth,
nourishes the bones, and causes hair and nails to grow.
It improves the eyesight, stops bleeding of gums,
and relieves inflammation of the stomach and colon.
It is the highest natural source of vitamin C, with
3000 mg per fruit. It improves appetite,
cleanses the intestines and regulates blood-sugar.

This great little fruit is now in our product. Don't
miss out on improving your health and living long and

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