Thursday, August 30, 2007

Oh, that dreaded "DIET" word...

I hope you are not like me and need to worry about everything you put into your mouth adding 5 extra pounds!! I hate diets, I love to eat!! I started a Water Arobics Class at the Recreation Center and have meet loads of great people, haven't seemed to loose those pounds but I have heard muscle weighs more than fat...well that is something!! Well enough rambling...if you need some help with weight lose, get back with me, I have natural products

Now for the tip of the day:

Make fitness a family affair. Take your kids or spouse on a walk after dinner. Round up the neighborhood kids for a spontaneous game of ball. There are plenty of things to do as a family that don't center around the television or the computer. Getting physical is a great way to bond. Not only are you spending quality time together, you're also burning calories in your spare time. Walking or horseplay with the kids for 20 minutes can burn 78 calories.

TTFN: Donna

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Ultimate Four

Free for Life::

Now who doesn't like free!!!

If you are looking for more like this, just check out the rest of the site:

Come check in with me now that I am back with my blogging. Hope to have lots of visits in the future. I will have stories and interesting articles for each one of you. Tomorrow...diets, ouch did I really say that!!
Join me, ttfn